Since the NIS Regulations and the EU’s NIS Directive were implemented, there have been significant changes in the legal and regulatory landscape, threat environment, and the UK’s relationship with Europe. Accordingly, the EU and the UK Government have, or are planning to, significantly expand cyber security and resilience legislation.
The NIS Regulations came into force on 10th May 2018 and introduced a range of new security and resilience obligations for organisations delivering critical services to British citizens. For Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) organisations, the NIS Regulations are as foundational as GDPR and the Data Protection Act. Given how much has changed since the regulations were first introduced six years ago, future legislation and regulations are likely to have far reaching implications for your cyber security programme.
In this first webinar in the new CAF Connect series, Scott Hudson, Senior Lead Consultant, looks at how these evolving factors affect CNI organisations, and what we can expect in terms of future UK cyber regulation.
Webinar Highlights
- Where did the NIS Regulations come from
- Implementation successes and challenges
- The evolution of the threat landscape since 2018
- The changing EU landscape – NIS2
- UK Government plans for the future of cyber regulation
Who is this Webinar Suitable For
CNI organisations that operate within sectors that fall under the scope of the NIS regulations
Webinar Speaker