Penetration Testing Services

Assess the security of your organisation’s network from an internal and external perspective by completing a penetration test with Bridewell’s highly certified and experienced offensive security experts.

Testing and Securing Your Most Critical Assets

Our penetration testing services help Critical National Infrastructure (CNI) organisations identify, test and secure their most critical IT and OT systems.

All our engagements are tailored to provide a realistic simulation of how bad actors may target your organisation, while considering any specialist systems or equipment you may use.




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Our Penetration Testing Services

We listen to our clients and seek to understand the unique business drivers and objectives of the organisation and the individuals within them. This allows us to develop the most appropriate approach, framework and team which culminates in an outcome driven approach that goes beyond just delivering the framework and builds a trusted relationship.  

The Benefits of our Cyber Security Frameworks

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A Complete Evaluation of Your Infrastructure

The assessment provides a true validation of your current defensive practices and guidance on improving detection and response capabilities.

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A Modular, Tailored Approach

Bridewell doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all approach to testing, and will customise the engagement dependent on your specific objectives (e.g. active directory assessment, password reviews, firewall reviews, device reviews).

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Targeted and Prioritised Remediation Actions

Increase your defensive capabilities simply and at pace with the guidance of our penetration testing experts.

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Improve Your Security Investment

Validate your current software configuration and work with Bridewell to optimise your configuration and streamline maintenance for the highest level of protection and best return on investment.

Key Challenges Addressed

Organisations that don’t regularly perform penetration testing often face challenges in protecting sensitive data and systems, maintaining compliance and customer trust, and reducing the risk of a successful cyber attack.

Penetration testing – or pen testing – helps organisations identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker to access sensitive data, such as customer information or financial records. These vulnerabilities can also result in financial losses for an organisation, either through direct financial theft or through the costs of responding to and recovering from a successful cyber attack.

Pen testing can help organisations identify and address vulnerabilities before an attacker can exploit them, thereby reducing risk and securing their business. This also supports compliance through helping an organisaiton meet regulatory requirements by relevant industry bodies (such as the PCI DSS). 


How It Works

Bridewell’s approach to penetration testing incorporates advanced remote testing solutions.

As a result, there’s no need for Bridewell personnel to be on-site unless specifically requested or desired by the customer, which can reduce potential overheads for the client as there is no requirement for dedicated space and support for on-site personnel.

Our penetration testing team consists of ex-sysadmins, developers, network engineers and system architects who bring years of experience developing and securing environments.

This ensures our assessment considers all aspects of your organisation’s infrastructure, incorporates lesser-known attacks and vulnerabilities, and considers business-impact of a potential breach.

Customer Case Studies

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A large financial organisation engaged with Bridewell to provide a testing scenario that could simulate a real-world attack scenario.

Engaging with Bridewell

By taking an adaptive, customer first approach, we provide trusted services that deliver outcome focused results.

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We listen and learn about your business challenges, goals and ambitions, strategic drivers and culture.

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We assess your current risk position relative to your needs and goals, and develop a roadmap for optimising your cyber-security.

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We design solutions, processes and strategies that allow you to achieve the desired state of security and effectiveness.

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We use our agile yet focused methodology to evolve and optimise your solution over time, to maximise value.

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We operate as an extension of your own cyber security team, delivering tangible, value-added cyber security on a 24/7 basis.

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We draw on our experience and expertise to implement the agreed technical solutions, governance, compliance frameworks and migration processes.

Penetration Testing Process

All our engagements are tailored to support the specific requirements and objectives of your organisation. This generally aligns with the following process:

To initiate the project, Bridewell will work with key stakeholders in your organisation to understand your needs. During this phase, our consultants will establish the scope and timescale of the engagement, contact any of your third parties and key contacts, and ensure all legal aspects are covered.  

Once the scope is agreed, we will conduct the assessment while following industry recognised practices such as the Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers (CREST) and Open Source Intelligence (OSINT).  

If Bridewell identify any critical issues, we will inform you immediately. The assessment phase can be completed on your premises or remotely, dependent on your requirements and the technical components and environment being assessed. Our tests are open and transparent and you are able to watch our findings in real time on our secure portal. 

Once the test has concluded, Bridewell will compile all collated evidence from the test and develop a report which includes full details of the assessment, the findings and specific remedial guidance to address the findings. Our reports are written in easy-to-understand language that can be used by both executive and/ or technical audiences. We can also provide redacted content relevant to your clients (if requested). 

Bridewell will subsequently work with your organisation to remediate any vulnerabilities or issues identified. Our consultants will recommend and implement vulnerability management solutions, which can support you with ongoing identification, risk quantification and remediation of vulnerabilities. 

We are vendor neutral as an organisation but have a vast level of experience in many industry and open-source products to suit individual client requirements. We also have a team of engineers that can support remedial if additional resource or expertise is required.  

Following implementation, Bridewell has a suite of additional services to identify threats and vulnerabilities on a continuous basis. For example, providing recurring penetration tests on a regular basis or our vulnerability management service.  

Why Us?

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Our team have won numerous industry awards, including ‘Best Security Company of the Year' at the Cyber Security Awards 2023 and 'Best Cyber Security Company Europe' at the Cyber Security Awards 2022.

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Our people and services are highly accredited by leading industry bodies including CREST, the NCSC, and more. Our SOC holds extensive accreditations from CREST (including for CSIR and SOC2) and works closely with our cyber consultancy services.

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As a Microsoft Partner, we also hold advanced specialisms in Cloud Security and Threat Protection. We’ve also implemented some of the UK’s largest deployments of the Microsoft Security stack, inc. Sentinel, Defender, Purview and more.

Accreditations and Certifications

We hold the most NCSC assured services of any cyber security services provider. Our cyber security consultants and services are globally recognised for meeting the highest standards of accreditation and have leading industry certifications. 

Accreditations - NCSC

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