Red Team Assessment

Evaluate your organisation’s current security capabilities by undergoing a holistic test of your business’ cyber security practices and current security controls.

By working with your organisation to understand the security concerns most relevant to your sector and business, our red team will design a targeted assessment that truly challenges your ability to detect, respond, and prevent sophisticated, persistent and targeted threats.

The Importance of a Red Team Assessment

Performing a red team assessment will help you understand your immediate threat profile and how well your current protocols and procedures would defend against a real-world attack.

  • Assess Security Processes and Controls – A red team assessment provides assurance that your processes and controls are optimally configured, working as intended, and will remain secure in real world threat scenarios.
  • Worst Case Scenario - Companies lack a true understanding of how their people, processes and technologies would handle a worst-case threat scenario or if critical business processes would remain operational if their business was compromised by a skilled adversary.
  • Internal SOC Testing – Red team assessments provide an opportunity to train business security operations center (SOC) with up-to-date approaches and processes that enable them to effectively respond to new and persistent threats.  

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What to expect from a Red Team Assessment by Bridewell

Bridewell does not provide an ‘off the shelf’ test and will only conduct an assessment after an extensive scoping exercise has been completed that maximises value and results for your organisation. 

Customised Engagements

We utilise real attack methods and cutting-edge techniques from threat actors relevant to your organisation, tailored to your current maturity.

A Real Time Engagement

Assess your defensive playbooks and responses in a controlled, realistic test for your in house or third party SOC solutions.

Threat Driven Engagements

We offer a number of engagement types driven by our in house cyber threat intelligence (CTI) service. This allows realistic simulations of attacks using up to date intel from threat actors operating in your business sectors.

Live Reporting and Updates

Our penetration testers provide real-time insight into key findings, culminating in a tailored report to address your specific goals from undertaking the assessment.

Detailed Washup Sessions

We will support and develop your blue team, providing detailed guidance on improving hunting, remediation and detection capabilities.

Why is it Worth Conducting a Red Team Assessment?

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Focused Remediation Actions

Our red team will provide you with a clear understanding of how to improve your defensive capabilities.

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Truly Assess Your Security Capabilities

A red team assessment provides a comprehensive assessment of your existing security capabilities and actionable guidance on how they can be improved.

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Findings Beyond Known Vulnerabilities and Out of Date Software

Defend against fringe or low chance/ high impact attacks with a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond a typical security assessment.

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Improve Your Security Investment

Develop and improve your SOC's skills and ability to react to modern threats.

See How we a Financial Organisation with a Red Team Assessment

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A large financial organisation engaged with Bridewell to provide a testing scenario that could simulate a real-world attack scenario.

Start your Red Team Assessment

Speak with one of our red team experts to see how we can support your organisation in planning a dedicated red team engagement to highlight your current threat profile.

man at desk with computer

How we Conduct a Red Team Assessment

Bridewell will work with your organisation to understand your individual business objectives and the range of potential threats and security risks. Using these, Bridewell will work with your organisation to identify the scope of the engagement and provide a quotation.

In order to deliver an effective Red Team, the Red Team Lead and all involved parties take part in a full scoping day to outline every important detail for the engagement. 

Once the scope of the assessment has been agreed, Bridewell will begin the assessment. Bridewell will carry out the assessment over a defined period of time, in line with the agreed rules of engagement. They will aim to complete all objectives and goals within the defined timeframe.

Throughout the assessment, Bridewell’s Red Team will be in constant contact with the key contacts. This ensures the engagement is proceeding safely, securely and continues to deliver the expected results within the time frames.

Once the assessment has been completed, Bridewell will share a report with key stakeholders to provide detailed analysis covering all aspects of the test in detail.  

Bridewell also provides a live debrief where the Red Team who performed the assessment can present their findings to key individuals and answer any questions they may have.

Customised Red Team Engagements

Beyond a typical Red Team Assessment, Bridewell can also provide engagements featuring any combination of the following: 

Red Team Assessment FAQ's

A red team assessment is a form of testing in which a team of individuals simulates an adversary or attacker in order to test an organisation's defences. The purpose of a red team assessment is to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the organisation's security posture and to help the organisation improve its defences. 

Red team assessments can be used to test a wide range of security controls and systems, including network and application security, physical security, and incident response plans and procedures. They can also be used to test the organisation's defences against specific types of threats, such as nation-state cyber attacks, ransomware attacks, or phishing campaigns.

Overall, the purpose of a red team assessment is to help the organisation improve its security posture, protect itself against potential threats, and reduce the risk of a successful attack.

Red team assessments are typically carried out by a team of individuals who simulate an adversary or attacker in order to test an organisation's defenses and evaluate their effectiveness. The team may be composed of a variety of professionals, including cybersecurity experts, network engineers, and IT professionals, as well as individuals with expertise in areas such as social engineering and physical security.

In addition to the red team, other individuals or groups may be involved in a red team assessment, depending on the scope of the assessment and the specific goals of the organisation. These may include:

  1. The organisation's security team: The security team may be involved in planning and executing the red team assessment, as well as reviewing and analyzing the results.
  2. Internal stakeholders: Depending on the scope of the assessment, other internal stakeholders such as business unit leaders or HR may also be involved in the planning and execution of the assessment.
  3. External consultants: The organisation may also bring in external consultants to assist with the assessment, particularly if they have specialised expertise or experience with red teaming

Overall, the composition of the red team and the individuals or groups involved in the assessment will depend on the specific goals and objectives of the organisation and the scope of the assessment.

The results of a red team assessment can be used to improve an organisation's security posture in several ways:

  1. Identifying vulnerabilities: A red team assessment can help the organisation identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in its defenses that could be exploited by an attacker. By identifying these vulnerabilities, the organisation can take steps to remediate them and reduce the risk of a successful attack.
  2. Testing the effectiveness of defenses: A red team assessment can help the organisation understand how well its defenses hold up against a simulated attack and identify areas where they are ineffective. This information can be used to improve defenses and make them more effective at protecting against real-world threats.
  3. Improving incident response: By simulating a cyber attack, a red team assessment can help the organisation test and improve its incident response plans and procedures. This can help the them respond more effectively to a real-world attack and minimise the impact of an incident.
  4. Enhancing employee awareness: A red team assessment can help raise awareness among employees about potential threats and how to identify and respond to them. This can the wider organisation improve its overall security posture by increasing the vigilance and awareness of its employees.

Overall, a red team assessment is a powerful tool for organisations to identify vulnerabilities, test the effectiveness of their defenses, improve incident response, and enhance employee awareness, all of which can help improve the organisation's overall security posture.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The frequency assessments will vary depending on the specific needs of the organisation. Red Team engagements often operate over a longer time period (for example 3 months). So it may be prudent to have a single engagement a year or opt for a continual Red Team approach. 

Why Us?

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Our team have won numerous industry awards, including ‘Best Security Company of the Year' at the Cyber Security Awards 2023 and 'Best Cyber Security Company Europe' at the Cyber Security Awards 2022.

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Our people and services are highly accredited by leading industry bodies including CREST, the NCSC, and more. Our SOC holds extensive accreditations from CREST (including for CSIR and SOC2) and works closely with our cyber consultancy services.

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As a Microsoft Partner, we also hold advanced specialisms in Cloud Security and Threat Protection. We’ve also implemented some of the UK’s largest deployments of the Microsoft Security stack, inc. Sentinel, Defender, Purview and more.

Accreditations and Certifications

We hold the most NCSC assured services of any cyber security services provider. Our cyber security consultants and services are globally recognised for meeting the highest standards of accreditation and have leading industry certifications. 

Accreditations - NCSC