
100 Security Experts You Could Follow on Twitter

Published 20 October 2016

Never before has the threat to computer security been so prevalent with scandals and hacks revealed in the news almost on a daily basis. Whether you are an industry insider or work in cyber and network security there is an avalanche of information to cope with and keep up to date.

Who are the key tweeters in the industry?

We have gone to the trouble of creating a comprehensive list so you can decide who to follow. The list is in order of followers which is one measure of popularity, however, the choice is yours. Enjoy and please fee to share.

Bridewell Twitter List

  1. https://twitter.com/pod2g – France based security researcher with over 469,000 followers and an impressive 3,300 tweets.
  2. https://twitter.com/treygenda – Works in Cyber Security for the not for profit Mitre Corporation. Manages on average an impressive 8.1 retweets.
  3. https://twitter.com/Security_411 – Provides security services to clients in the US and is a prolific tweeter, 39,000 so far.
  4. https://twitter.com/kevinmitnick – Boasting 180,000 followers, Kevin is a world renowned hacker and team leader for Mitnicksecurity.com
  5. https://twitter.com/AskDavidChalk – Canada based keynote speaker in small business and cyber education.
  6. https://twitter.com/e_kaspersky – Needs no introduction here, Chairman and CEO of Kaspersky Lab software. Insightful tweets on malware, viruses and information security.
  7. https://twitter.com/NortonOnline – Official Norton twitter account by Symantec who are based in the US.
  8. https://twitter.com/mikko – Chief Research Officer of F-Secure and a well known global figure in the area of security and privacy.
  9. https://twitter.com/Imperva   – Official Imperva.com Twitter account, provider of cloud and on site internet security solutions.
  10. https://twitter.com/drericcole – A leading Global expert in the field of network security consulting with Fortune 500 companies and the Central Intelligence Agency.Dr Eric Cole on Twitter
  11. https://twitter.com/schneierblog – Described the Economist as a “security guru” and author of the Schneier on security blog and 13 other publications including Data and Goliath.
  12. https://twitter.com/InfoSecHotSpot – Twitter account for leading industry news blog
  13. https://twitter.com/securityexpert –  With over 7,000 followers, Dave Whitelegg is a leading UK cyber security information expert.
  14. https://twitter.com/csoghoian – Described as a new breed of prominent “activist technology researchers” by the Economist, Christopher Soghoian tweets regularly on security and political issues.
  15. https://twitter.com/sanjaykatkar – Located in India, Sanjay Katkar is Co founder, Joint MD and CTO of Quick Heal Security, a leading IT security solutions company.
  16. https://twitter.com/PatrickCMiller – Patrick is a critical infrastructure Cybersecurity and Regulatory advisor based out of Portland Oregon in the US.
  17. https://twitter.com/thegrugq – A security researcher with some very interesting views published on Medium and Tumblr.
  18. https://twitter.com/0xcharlie – Charlie Miller is based out of St Louis, MO in the US and is leading expert on car security.
  19. https://twitter.com/dakami – Chief Scientist at White Ops a pioneer in Cyber Security services, Dan Kaminsky  also writes his own blog.
  20. https://twitter.com/c_beretas – Based in Greece, Christos Beretas is a information technology specialist with an interest in hacking and other related security areas.Kugen Kaspersky on Twitter
  21. https://twitter.com/jeremiahg – A SentinelOne and owner of jeremiahgrossman.com
  22. https://twitter.com/gcluley  – A public speaker and independent computer security analyst working in the industry since the 1990’s.
  23. https://twitter.com/HackingDave – Founder of TrustedSec one of the leading security companies, Dave Kennedy background is Military Intelligence and a CSO for a Fortune 1000 company.
  24. https://twitter.com/securityweekly – Hail from Long Island and CEO of securityweekly.com Paul Asadoorian provides various consulting services including penetration testing and countermeasures.
  25. https://twitter.com/matthew_d_green – Author of blog.cryptographyengineering.com, Matthew Green is a cryptographer and professor at Johns Hopkins University.
  26. https://twitter.com/troyhunt –  Troy Hunt is an Australian creating courses for Pluralsight and is also Microsoft Most Valuable Professional for developer security.
  27. https://twitter.com/taosecurity –  Richard Bejtlich is a USAF intelligence veteran and author of taosecurity.blogspot.co.uk which covers digital security, strategic thought and military history.
  28. https://twitter.com/ThtShortGuy – From Miramar Beach in Atlanta Brian R is a cyber security and audio engineer.
  29. https://twitter.com/jack_daniel –  Security Bsides Co-founder as well as holding other senior positions, Jack Daniel is also the co host at Security Weekly Podcast.
  30. https://twitter.com/AscotBarclay – Official account of Cyber Security Group Ascot Barclay who operate out of Guernsey in the Channel Islands.Hacking Dave Kennedy on Twitter
  31. https://twitter.com/cybraryIT – Cybrary IT claims to be the largest cyber security community and offers free open source learning.
  32. https://twitter.com/StaySafeOnline – Twitter presence for the non profit National Cyber Security Alliance whose mission is to educate the global digital community to use the internet safely.
  33. https://twitter.com/jesperjurcenoks – Jesper Jurcenoks is senior product manager at Alert Logic who provide managed security services.
  34. https://twitter.com/runasand – Runa Sandvik is a Consultant, Research and Speaker and writes publications for the New York Times and Forbes.
  35. https://twitter.com/Carlos_Perez – Carlos is from Puerto Rico and is a Director of Reverse Engineering for a security vendor with comprehensive experience in many areas of information security.
  36. https://twitter.com/MaxAbrahms – Specialising in terrorism Max Abrahms is a Professor at the Northeastern  University.
  37. https://twitter.com/dinodaizovi – Dino Dai Zovi is a security research, speaker, award winner and some would describe as hacker identifying security vulnerabilities and attack methods.
  38. https://twitter.com/mattblaze – Matt Blaze authors the Crypto.com websites and directs the Distributed Systems Lab at the University of Pennsylvania.
  39. https://twitter.com/gattaca – Dave Lewis boasts an impressive following on Twitter and proclaims to be a “breaker of things” as well as a “security type”.
  40. https://twitter.com/jolingkent – Jo Ling Kent is based in New York and is news correspondent for the NBC in the US.
  41. https://twitter.com/rj_gallagher Ryan Gallagher is a Journalist at “The Intercept” breaking news in the IT Security and related industries.
  42. https://twitter.com/VUPEN – Official Twitter account for VUPEN, a worldwide provider of cyber security capabilities.
  43. https://twitter.com/headhntr – Morgan Marquis-Boire is a researcher and journalist at “The Intercept” in addition to being director of security for First Look Media.
  44. https://twitter.com/0xabad1dea – Shall remain nameless but is a professional application security researcher with a huge following of nearly 21,000 followers.
  45. https://twitter.com/haxorthematrix – A Twitter account dedicated to Paul’s Security Weekly Podcast Blog.
  46. https://twitter.com/jilles_com – Jilles Groenendijk is located in Holland and specialises in hacking, malware and all related information security issues.
  47. https://twitter.com/ashk4n – Ashkan Soltani is based in DC and is an independent researcher and technologist specialising in security, privacy and behavioural economics.
  48. https://twitter.com/BrianHonan – Special advisor on Internet Security to Europol and head of Ireland’s CSIRT, Brian Honan is well known on the international stage.
  49. https://twitter.com/SecBarbie – Is a partner at Urbane Security an information security firm that provides tailored security and compliance solutions.
  50. https://twitter.com/Jennifer_Arcuri – Works at Hackerhouse who offer leading edge cyber security services including reporting, code reviews, penetration and application testing.
  51. https://twitter.com/nicoleperlroth – Nicole Perlroth is a journalist for the New York Times.
  52. https://twitter.com/ehackingdotnet – Twitter presence for ehacking.net, a leading cyber security news, opinions and resource provider.
  53. https://twitter.com/mdowd – Mark Dowd is a hacker and is the founder of Asimuth Security, an Australian information security provider.
  54. https://twitter.com/RaytheonCyber – Official Twitter account for Raytheoncyber.com who offer a wide range of cyber security services and solutions.
  55. https://twitter.com/dangoodin001 – Dan Goodin is a well known journalist in the sector with over 15 years of experience and security editor at Ars Technica.
  56. https://twitter.com/Ramisms – Rami enjoys a large following of nearly 19,000 followers and is digital strategist and cyber security guru.
  57. https://twitter.com/unix_root – This is the Twitter account of Mohit Kumar, researcher, speaker and founder & CEO of the thehackernews.com.
  58. https://twitter.com/peterwsinger – Peter Warren Singer has been named by Onalytica Market Research as one of the ten most influential voices in the globe on cyber security not least because of the many award winning books written on the subject matter.
  59. https://twitter.com/ITGovernance – Official presence for IT Governance, a worldwide provider in the IT Governance, risk management and compliance solutions.
  60. https://twitter.com/davidtalby – David Talby is CTO at Atigeo who are a leading edge technology company who love to problem solve and turn science into big data products.
  61. https://twitter.com/i0n1c – Stefan Esser is founder and CEO of SektionEins who are an international IT security firm based in Cologne in Germany.
  62. https://twitter.com/nudehaberdasher – Chris Valasek is security lead at Uber ATC who are an engineering team dedicated to self driving technologies.
  63. https://twitter.com/securityshell – Avram Maruis is a security engineer for a number of companies including Random Storm, Accumuli Security and NCC Group all of whom are based in the UK.
  64. https://twitter.com/infosecjerk – Another tweeter who shall remain nameless but likes to provides lessons on security to an impressive following of nearly 15,000.
  65. https://twitter.com/SecurityToday – Official account for a UK IT Security Expert Blog authored by Dave Whitelegg.
  66. https://twitter.com/Zemana – Twitter social media presence for Zemana Ltd, an award winning security solutions company based out of Turkey and Sarajevo.
  67. https://twitter.com/calebbarlow – Caleb Barlow is a US radio host and Vice President of Strategic Initiative at IBM.
  68. https://twitter.com/ryanaraine – Ryan Naraine loves to write about internet hackers and has a following of nearly 14,000.
  69. https://twitter.com/DaveMarcus – Featured in SC Magazine in 2014, Dave Marcus is Chief Architect of the advanced research and threat intelligence McAfee Federal Advanced Programs Group.
  70. https://twitter.com/djrbliss – Dan Rosenberg is a security researcher working at Azimuth Secruity and loves to break linux kernals!
  71. https://twitter.com/JarnoLim – Jarno Limnell is a Professor of cybersecurity at the Aalto University in Finland as well as holding senior positions in other organisations.
  72. https://twitter.com/dlitchfield – David Litchfield is a leading authority on database security and has authored and co authored a number of books as well as being featured in major publications.
  73. https://twitter.com/kernelpool – Tarjei Mandt is a security researcher who works for Azimuth Security in Australia.
  74. https://twitter.com/McGrewSecurity – Wesley McGrew is Director of Operations at Horne Cyber who provide a range of services from regulatory compliance to SSAE 16/SOC reporting.
  75. https://twitter.com/aionescu – Alex Ionescu is located in San Francisco and specialises in windows internals and Embedded ARM Kernal.
  76. https://twitter.com/radware – Twitter presence for Radware who are a global provider of application delivery and cyber security solutions covering virtual, cloud and data centers.
  77. https://twitter.com/nicolasbrulez – Nicolas Brulez is a Malware and virus researcher at Kaspersky.com
  78. https://twitter.com/boblord – Bob Lord works for CISCO Yahoo and is followed by just over 11,000.
  79. https://twitter.com/jjx -. A security engineer and consultant with Carolina Advanced Digital and securityuncorked.com blogger. Jennifer Minella is regarded as one of the top 10 women in security by SC Magazine.
  80. https://twitter.com/msuiche – Matt Suiche is a hacker and founder of United Arab Emirates cyber security start up company Comae who provide a range services to combat cyber incidents.
  81. https://twitter.com/BlueCoat – Twitter presence for Blue Coat who provide a range of solutions to combat web and network security breaches.
  82. https://twitter.com/jonoberheide – As well being Co Founder and CTO, Jon Oberheide leads the product vision and the advanced research team at Duo Security .
  83. https://twitter.com/agl__  – Adam Longley is the author of the imperialviolet.org blog and has 10,500 followers.
  84. https://twitter.com/cesarcer – Cesar Cerrudo is Chief Technology Officer at IOActive Labs and leads the research team amongst other responsibilities.
  85. https://twitter.com/RonGula – Founder of Tenable Network Security in Balitmore, Ron Gula has over 15 years experience in the industry.
  86. https://twitter.com/daveshackleford – Dave Shackleford is the founder of Voodoo Security and specialises in Malware, Penetration Testing and Vulnerability and many other disciplines.
  87. https://twitter.com/InfosecEditor – Eleanor Dallaway is editor of Infosecurity Magazine, a publication that has operating for over 10 years in the sector.
  88. https://twitter.com/mckeay – based in London, Martin McKeay Works for Akamai as a security advocate and is followed by nearly 18,000 on twitter.
  89. https://twitter.com/SITE_CYBER – Official Twitter account for SITE Intelligence Group who are a global non-governmental counterterrorism organisation.
  90. https://twitter.com/aaronportnoy – Aaron Portnoy is a security researcher boasting a following of nearly 10,000.
  91. https://twitter.com/mroesch – Martin Roesch is the original of Snort in addition to Chief Architect for Cisco’s Security Business Group.
  92. https://twitter.com/Shpantzer – Gal Shpantzer specialises in advising on risk management and information security.
  93. https://twitter.com/hannahkuchler – A journalist for the Financial Times covering social media and cyber security in San Francisco.
  94. https://twitter.com/suzanhobeiche – Suzan Hajj Hobeiche tweets cyber security tips, news and information.
  95. https://twitter.com/dannyyadron – Danny Yadron is a former technology reporter for the Guardian Newspaper US in San Francisco and the Wall Street Journal.
  96. https://twitter.com/bascule – Tony Arcieri currently works on the Platform Security at Square specialising in cryptography.
  97. https://twitter.com/neirajones – Neira Jones is a consultant, speaker and NED in the UK and advises on cyber crime, information security and other related topics.
  98. https://twitter.com/langnergroup – Twitter presence for the Langner Group who specialise in cyber physical security for infrastructure and large manufacturing concerns.
  99. https://twitter.com/paulfroberts – Editor in chief of the securityledger.com which is an independent security news internet site.
    100. https://twitter.com/fsecure – This is the official Twitter account of F-Secure a Europe based company founded in Helsinki, Finland with a long history in the industry.