Threat Protection Engagement (SIEM and XDR)​

Explore the transformative potential of XDR by attending a workshop with Bridewell's Microsoft experts.


Register for an Engagement

Common Challenges

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Fragmented Security Tools

Organisations often use multiple security tools, which can create silos and introduce challenges when correlating data across various platforms.

short and large ladder

High Volume, Low Value Alerts

Security teams frequently deal with a high volume of security alerts leading to alert fatigue and the possibility of missing critical incidents.

Limited Resources and Expertise

Many SOCs lack security professionals with deep experience in deploying, configuring and managing Microsoft solutions as part of the MXDR suite.

Lack of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Without end user behaviour analytics through AI and ML, it is difficult to detect anomalous behaviour in both users and their devices.

How Bridewell Can Help

Bridewell's workshops demonstrate the complete capabilities of Microsoft's MXDR and SIEM solutions and how they can address your organisation's specific needs, reqiurements and goals. 

The workshop highlights how your organisation can consolidate and optimise existing security technologies to streamline operations and reduce complexity.

The workshop will provide guidance on effectively utilising all Microsoft security solutions available under your current licensing to mature your security posture. 

Bridewell can provide insights into best practice for deployments based on a decade of experience delivering the UK's largest deployments of Microsoft security technologies.

Register Your Interest in a Workshop

Schedule your workshop with one of our account management team today.
